วันอาทิตย์ที่ 8 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552


* summarize the article about MK Suki excellent with the Zen *

from the article about MK Suki excellent with the Zen at the supernatural power Teera the garnet managing director a company MK big taste supports limit subject trick at supernatural power never suppress and fully announce to entrepreneur group and general person at take an interest and follow to listen a story of MK the Sukiyaki always is the development and adjust continuously traditionally the Zen ( Kaizen) the prominent point of Kaizen which be a tool in efficiency work expansion that ford learn by heart be today may still not good but tomorrow must today better or may must not best but must better the interest and very small problem and don't look over at person habit with someone meet a problem retreat already for the supernatural power the supernatural power thinks everything problem in this world has the solution no with this way with that way adaptation example corrects to seek from all procedure of MK Sukiyaki from one at the supernatural power brings to tell listen such as MK everywhere has oval undulation in no take keep wash officer group but oval undulation that MK soft born from the procedure solves a problem about the cloth wipes a table chopping block chop how is a duck ? must the wood when chop knife duck will bury to get down the meat chopping block be a rut and have meat duck leavings bury down go to 2 not exceed hour will born the sperm opens that oval every a kitchen that MK then must have chopping block at least 2 keep change go to wash clean and sterilize with the hot water the plug here step on not broken do be from Poly Carbonate and we set up the system protects the fire suck though under a table and protect repeated again by set up at sky panelboard Logistic design both of new fast and economize M 2 gamboge kitchen big chemistries at design give can raw material all port give with a shop has MK arrive at 500 a branch for support the growth in the as well future

